A Sharpened Chopstick Up Your Cock?


Cock and ball torture is very common in men’s sexual fantasies I find, and boy do they get creative! The other night I had one talk about me shoving a sharpened chopstick up his cock. Now I have talked to many guys sticking many things up their cocks, but a sharpened chopstick. Wow, that even had me crossing my legs at the thought of that one!

I’m not quite sure why some men fantasize about their without a doubt most tender body part being maimed and mangled, yet some do. I wonder if they subconsciously know they are a prick and this is what they truly deserve? That’s crossed my mind for sure. I’ve been told I’m quite devilish in my descriptions of things I’d do, but even I wouldn’t have thought of a sharpened chopstick. After listening to that man for the rest of the call, that was in all honesty the least disturbing aspect of it. I’m all for kicking a guy in the dick when he deserves it, and heaven knows many do, but some of the methods some talk about, my mind doesn’t even venture there.

Political prisoners are often subjected to various tortures, such as car batteries for shocking on the thumbs, pulling out facial hair with pliers, all kinds of cruel things, perhaps some of these callers would be able to put their talents for cruelty to good use in governmental activities such as these. I will never in my life see a pair of chopsticks again without thinking of that man’s comment. I doubt you will either!


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