Pocket Playtime


The thrill of risky sexual behavior has always been present. Ones that choose to masturbate in public are indeed taking a risk. Ones that get off on the idea of getting caught, well, it’s a fairly common thrill. One caller of late that’s been calling a few times a week says he has holes cut in his pockets to reach in and play with his cock through, but he also claims to only have a 3 inch cock. So he’d be in that pocket up to his elbows if he was doing that.

Says he likes to rub his dick while standing in line at the store with his piles of porn mags and jar of Vaseline to freak out the clerks. He’s a character for sure. He says they can see his arm going up and down, LOL, I replied I think they’d have the security guards escorting him out of the store or calling the cops. He’s a nutty one for sure. I’ve talked to many people that have masturbated in public places, the city bus under a coat has to be my favorite one I’ve heard, under the table at a library, all kinds of things people have done in the name of horniness.

One funny story that comes to mind is a girl I knew that lived in a small town. The son of the town minister, who the whole town knew well, was caught in a pulled over car on the road by a cop and word spread across the town, embarrassing the whole family of the minister. A cop saw the car pulled over and stopped to see what the matter was, the young man was so engrossed in what he was doing, he didn’t see the cop approach. People did everything from laugh and mock to send sympathy cards to the wife of the minister! It had the little town gossiping for quite a while and he was made the town laughingstock due to his masturbating in the car. One would think a car not exactly “public”, but be aware unless well concealed, things can get out of hand quickly, as in this situation right here.

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