Reach Out And Touch Someone


Believe it or not in this day and age when we think everyone is connected to the internet, you hear from someone who’s not. Phone sex is for some callers their only connection to a woman. A man called and told me how he lives in a very rural area, sixty miles from the closest city with no internet. He’d had the number he dialed filed away for years, with no way to access the website that went with it.

No women in his life, no free porn online, all the people he did business with out in the sticks were most religious agricultural people also with no internet. It seems hard to believe, but I guess some are still living like that. No escorts, I asked and he laughed and said the religious nuts would soon drive them out if any had the nerve to set up shop anywhere near there. Phone sex is indeed an outlet for many, connected online or not, for whatever reason some people are to shy or may have physical disabilities that limit their interactions socially with members of the opposite sex, so they are glad to have some sexual outlet. Only a few decades ago there was no phone sex companies, couples might have indulged in it if they were apart for a time, but think how before the advent of the internet how few options there were for some.

We think of most people as being in cities, being online, porn a mouse click away, phone sex, escorts, all these things we assume at the fingertips of many. They are not. So appreciate you have masturbation options to connect with another person. Phone sex might seem old fashioned to some, many have said when I told them it’s my career, they have actually asked if it’s still even around. Yes, yes it is. People will always enjoy the verbal companionship of another, the mental exchange, the listening to another person moaning and breathing and discussing their fantasies.

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