What could possibly be appealing about knowingly allowing insects to crawl all over you, stick them inside of you, or actually apply them directly to your privates? Well for ones into formicophilia, they find it pretty hot stuff and will actually go s far as to slather their naughty bits with honey to encourage the little critters to walk all over the affected area or even to bite and sting them.
Some men will actually apply hornets, wasps, and bees to their dick to get them to bite them so they swell up even more than nature would normally do to them. When you think of a bee sting, luckily I’ve never had one, and the swelling that ensues, oh my God, I’ve come up with the perfect cure for the small penis humiliation callers, I’ll tell them to let wasps sting their cock! Well, I’d think the swelling is going to be mainly width wise than length wise, so they will have a chubby, but a short one. One actually said he went from 6.5 to 9.5 inches around. Now that’s a lot of swelling indeed, but boy, it must be painful and there’s not a doubt it’s just plain weird.
Now Cleopatra was supposed to have had a sealed vase of bees that she used as a vibrator, which seems risky enough, but these people want the direct contact of insects on them. I hate even having to get close enough to kill one if it gets in the house, the thought of this is just horrifying to me. I won’t have any insects crawling on my clit, thank you very much. This is for sure one of the more bizarre and creepy fetishes. Most people want to get away from bugs, not attract them. This sort of thing was even a punishment at times. A box of stinging red ants placed in a woman’s vagina, unthinkably horrible!