Now I’m all for jewelry, it’s pretty, shines and sparkles, catches the eye, you can co ordinate it to your outfits, but when it comes to jewelry for our privates, that’s where I draw the line. I don’t need to put earrings on my pussy lips or rings through my clit, that is a bit much for me. Yet there are many people that for whatever reason, some claim it enhances sexual sensations, have chosen to bejewel their naughty bits.
Now I’m all for shaving, I can even say the bleaching for pussy lips and anuses looks better on the before and after pics I have seen, I don’t know how safe it is to be doing stuff with chemicals down there, but it looks a lot better, but jewelry seems a bit much. What’s next, makeup? Actually there IS makeup for for your privates to make them more pink, I did a blog on that last year, I guess if time has taken it’s toll and the pink parts aren’t so pink, hey, before a hot date, do what you can to get things as fresh looking as possible down there I guess. To pierce your bits though just seems so extreme and permanent.
Also a sanitary issue, open holes in your skin with toilet functions in the same location seems a recipe for infections to my way of thinking. I don’t have any, so I can’t rightly comment on how good things feel sensation wise before and after a piercing and if it’s worth the risks and pain. Danger is also a concern, things could get caught in zippers, things could get torn, there’s risks associated with such piercings that ones likely wouldn’t consider or be concerned with until it’s too late and a problem crops up.