Baby I Was Born This Way

To many homosexuality is a perversion, a scourge to be erased. A mental illness, a sickness of the mind that can be overcome with willpower alone. We have come a long way from the 50’s educational video, which is beyond laughable. Sadly, some people likely still feel this way and think there’s nothing wrong with the video and its message.

It’s been a difficult road for the homosexuals. Many would grant blacks the civil rights, yet not gay people. They would reason, well, blacks are BORN black, they cannot change that fact. Many also believe gays are born that way, yet many still believe it is a choice. No one would choose to be ostracized and made feel an outcast.

Yes, people that are gay can choose not to act on their feelings and live a celibate non gay life, but to deny yourself relationships your entire life, that’s a helluva life of deprivation to endure to escape the homosexual label.

Many countries still not only criminality homosexuality, but even have the death penalty for ones caught doing it. It’s unthinkable. If ones think it’s bad in North America, try living in the Middle East and being gay, they’ll cut your fucking head off!

I am not gay, but I really like Lady Gaga’s song, “Baby I Was Born This Way”. It’s practically an anthem for gays to embrace who they are, and accept they were born this way. If only everyone accepted such a message and there was tolerance for all.


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