Most people certainly want more orgasms in their life, and it’s surprising how many callers say they honestly prefer to give pleasure, it’s more important to them for the woman to orgasm and experience pleasure than for themselves. It’s nice that some are genuinely a giver more concerned about the pleasure of another than themselves. Some are selfish and really only care about their own orgasm, but some don’t.
One last week told me he likes to keep a woman cumming until she literally cannot anymore, when she’s tapping him on the arm, out of breath, saying no more, I can’t cum anymore. Only then does he feel like he’s done his job and exhausted them with pleasure. Many say they could stay between a woman’s legs for hours licking her and tasting her and sucking on her clit until they are absolutely screaming in ecstasy.
For some it’s almost like a contest to see how many times they can get the woman to cum. Some have the stamina for such orgasm marathons, others, even some ladies, are also one and done, where’s the fun in that? It’s a lot more fun to cum until you simply can’t anymore and you are numb from all the stimulation. Cumming to the point of exhaustion can be fun, but it’s not for everyone. To some, sex and orgasms is like a sport, do it faster, stronger, push yourself. To others it’s a leisurely activity with no pushing yourself, both kinds can be fun depending on your mood.