So many guys are into the real nitty gritty of sex, and like really graphic pictures and or descriptions of things. Some might tend towards medical fetish or want personal details of masturbation habits or similar. They are curious to an alarming degree about things. Some literally want to play doctor and have a very good at things. One told me once about some clear toy he got his girlfriend that was a large dildo type of thing and if he got a flashlight and shined it at the base of the toy he could look up inside of her through the toy, it was pretty weird.
They want you to sit on their face and have the lights on, for them to get the best view possible. Maybe a miners hat with a light would be their dream come true to see everything bright and unobstructed. Natural curiosity is normal, but some take things to a whole different level. They will ask you how many times you think you have contractions when you orgasm, have you ever counted? It can be difficult to count and concentrate at such a moment. You can barely remember your own name, let alone have a stop watch and be counting vaginal contractions at the moment of orgasm.
Some callers keep notes on their own masturbation feats. How much sperm, shot glasses for measuring. How far they shot their load, tape measures for distance. It’s incredible ones really are concerned with not only the details, but recording them for years on end and comparing the results from years ago until now, and yet several over the years have mentioned such practices. One said he has notebooks going back to high school and he’s in his fifties now. Harmless yes, but quite weird to be honest.