A caller the other night was into wearing women’s panties. Not an uncommon thing, but he shared his shame at being into such a fetish. He said many times in his life he’d thrown away his collection, told himself he wasn’t going to do this anymore, then months later the overwhelming urge would return, he’d buy another collection, indulge for a while, then another purge of his goods he’d paid for and enjoyed. The cycle went on for years. He was wearing some when he called. He said he also enjoyed wearing ladies dresses and makeup, it was difficult to conceal all these things from his wife. He hid them at the office, living in fear ones would find his stash there.
He had so much shame and anxiety over this, several other panty boy callers over the years have mentioned similar purge cycles where they’ve tossed out hundreds, even thousands of dollars worth of clothes and lingerie and shoes. He sounded so nervous and ashamed on the phone, he ended up ending the call early since the shame was just too great to even discuss with someone on the phone, someone his secret and identity was safe with.
Like many panty boys, he was asking if I knew the different brand names of the popular ones and the styles of the different cuts of panties. Vanity Fair seems to sure have a large fan base in the panty boys. One recently confessed he actually called Vanity Fair and asked some questions about the panties and he said the lady he talked to was not very welcoming to him. He said she knew he was a time wasting, pervy panty boy and she tried to get rid of him as fast as possible. The pull of the panties is very great for some of these men for sure.