The older woman has much to offer a younger man, maturity, experience and many times a red hot libido, not all women close up shop between their legs once menopause comes and goes. Some love to continue to masturbate and fuck right until they are near the end. Callers will often call and speak of tales of very mature women they have fucked or fantasized about. One even used to want to bang his eighty five year old neighbor, now that was a bit of an extreme case, but many have called and talked about women in their seventies they have fucked.
Just because it’s not the taste of everyone, not everyone is clamoring after college aged girls to fuck, some want the grey haired, more mature ladies out there that may not be as firm, but they have decades of experience under their belts and they would be very flattered to have an eager young man show them attention. Some might be leery though that they are being looked at as a sugar momma and that is the only reason they are being gone after, which may at times be the case.
One that called last night said he’d been with a woman in her seventies the month before and her pussy was the tightest he’d ever had and she was one hot tamale as far as he was concerned. Not many men would be looking to a woman of those years as a sex partner, the elderly are desexualized in general by people, but some do look to them and find them very sexy, they are no doubt flattered when one decades younger finds them attractive and virile and desirable as a sex partner.