It’s one thing to allow someone to tie you up and restrain you for a round of submissive sex, but this perversion here is downright disturbing to me. If some guy of mine came at me with rubber body bags or masks, I can tell you this, I would be out the door post haste. Not in a million years……
BDSM enthusiasts can be extreme. I have seen online they have sites where you can buy straight jackets and even ones with hoods! I would be horrified.
A caller of mine from England had some odd ideas a few times he called. He wanted to hang me upside down and wrap my head in bandages and fill my pussy with honey and jam. Now he also lived with his mother, was a 65 year old virgin and lived with dozens of ferrets if that gives you any explanation. That man was a character for sure.
Ones into bondage usually have a safe word, where if the one bound uses it, they are immediately released. Ones bound and tied are usually not to be left alone either. My fear would be what if you were tied up, and your partner suffered a heart attack or something and was unable to release you. What would you do then? If you were in a hotel, at worst you’d have to wait til morning when the maid arrived, if at home, well, who knows what might happen. Ones should always use caution in these matters and refrain from using drugs or alcohol during such playtime.