One thing that is common among callers is for them to call right after they got home from the gym and them saying how horny they are. There’s no shortage of articles online saying yes, this is a thing. It’s real, so getting in shape will only increase your sex drive as well. The blood is pumping to all the areas, not just your muscles. The hormones are flowing and you’re horny. Nothing wrong with taking your cock in hand after your full body workout and giving it a workout of its own. The shower is always a fun place to masturbate, and no mess either. Just a few extra strokes while you’re washing your cock and balls, and there’s a load, no fuss, no muss.
When a guy is really overweight, his sex drive plummets, his cock and balls are often covered by his stomach or his public fat pad, making them look smaller, your sex drive lower, and just not very appealing for some woman to have to heft your stomach out of the way to get at your junk. One overweight caller said he usually masturbated standing at the sink with his huge stomach resting on the edge of the sink, reaching his hand underneath to stroke his cock. The weight of his stomach on the sink temporarily relieving some of the pressure on his lower back.
You don’t need to be built like Mr. Universe to get the benefits of working out on your sex drive, but getting the circulation going and feeling more horny are always a good thing. Enjoy your libido while it lasts, it decreases with age and then medical conditions start to crop up and the medications that can go along with them can also kill your drive, so some regular exercise and enjoying it while you have it is always a great thing. Do not take it for granted you will always feel the same as you do now, you most assuredly will not.