Cut Off At The Knees

Now this is one perversion I don’t get. Ones that are only attracted to amputees. I feel very bad for ones like this, without a limb. I personally wouldn’t want to live like that, but they do have their fans. I’m not talking about people that are involved with someone and overlook this disability, I am talking about people that can only be attracted to ones that are missing limbs.

I just think that’s weird. Many conclude that ones attracted to ones like this want someone with a disability so the person they are involved with, in this case the amputee, it’s harder for them to find a mate in most cases, so they may be very grateful to have someone at all, so the one only attracted to ones at a disadvantage can be seen as dominant, and possibly insecure as well since they want someone weaker and less apt to leave them.

Call me shallow, but this would just not be anything I could live with. If ones can overlook such a deformity, my hat’s off to them, but that’s the thing, these one’s aren’t overlooking it, they are actively seeking it out.

There is porn out there featuring amputees, I guess if they want to showcase their deformities, that’s their choice. Stumps, I can’t even imagine……….I feel bad, I really do, but to not have arms to wrap around someone, or legs to wrap around someone. Sad…..For every deformity out there, there will be ones attracted to it and actively seeking it out.

Be sure to check out this entertaining site!

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