Back Scratches

My boyfriend likes it a little rough at times. That is, he likes me to be rough on him. He really has a thing for my long nails. He likes to be scratched by them when we have sex. Usually his back, but honestly, he’s had my marks all over him at one time or another. He even likes me to dig them into his cock when I give him a blow job, even to the point of making him bleed. I don’t know where he got this fetish for being scratched, but he likes it. He said guys at the gym have asked him about the scratches, and he just smiles at them and doesn’t answer them.

They must know he’s got a thing for being scratched, since he usually looks like he’s gone a few rounds with a tiger. I love having long, natural nails, and he loves it as well. He said my hands and nails were one of the first things he noticed about me when he met me. He said he always makes sure any girlfriend of his has long nails. It’s not a fetish I have run into often with callers, but a few over the years have mentioned it.

Some are that way about being bitten, they like it, even on their cock, and even to the point of drawing blood. I’ve actually had more into the biting than the nails, but they do enjoy it getting a bit wild for them in most cases. Some really do enjoy receiving pain of some kind. People all have their different kinks. As long as they aren’t hurting anyone else, and only want it themselves, why not, there’s worse things they could be into as far as a fetish goes. Do you like to be scratched up like a naughty boy having gone a few rounds with a long nailed lady? Let’s hear about it.

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