Cock and ball torture, odd as it sounds, does have its fans. Lots of guys call up and want to be instructed on just how to hurt themselves in their most sensitive areas. Some however go even a step further, they want to talk about castration. There’s no going back from that step. Cock and ball torture might hurt for certain, but you’d likely heal and recover from it if it wasn’t too extreme, castration however, is permanent.
Many people assume once a guy’s balls are cut off that all desire will be gone since most of the hormones responsible for a mans sex drive are in the balls. Ninety five percent are, but that five percent that are not can still be enough for a man to get an erection and fuck someone. So ones that think castration is the all end all, is not always the case. The balls will always be gone, they aren’t going to grow back, for most that five percent of testosterone not made in the balls is likely not enough, but for some, they still can get hard and get fucking.
Why some men want the permanent solution, the ultimate cock and ball torture, no clue, every man’s reasoning would be their own, but once in a while you do get ones that talk about doing it. Ones playing so into their fantasy that they go on about already having an appointment for surgery set up with the doctor, they talk all kinds of ridiculous nonsense, but it’s their fantasy, you let them ramble on about themselves getting their balls cut off if that’s what they wish talk about.