I had a caller I think is a cross between a pervert and a sadist, I guess that could be said about many of them though. I haven’t been able to find a name for this desire, there must be one, but I have yet to find one.
He had a desire to talk about something that in all the calls I have done and all the things I have heard of I had never heard of this one before.
He loved to drop heavy objects on women’s feet. He detailed over the course of two hours all sorts of perverse and cruel things he has done for decades. I was so horrified I vowed never to speak to him again.
He said at malls, crowded areas and on buses, he loves to step on women’s feet and make it appear as though it’s an accident. He says the faces they make and the noises they make at moment of impact is similar to the faces and noises they make as when they orgasm.
He talked about the cruelest things from dropping frozen turkeys and barbells on women’s feet, to offering to help a “friend” move, since he knew there was heavy lifting involved he could make it appear an accident if he dropped something during the move. Boy, with friends like that, you don’t need enemies! He said he came in his pants when he dropped something on a woman’s foot he was “helping” her lift, but of course it was dropped on purpose. He sounded like a very sick individual to me.