Pussy, cunt, twat, the vagina goes by many different names and it has many different looks as well. The picture above features plaster casts of many women’s vaginas. Not many of us are given perfect porn star camel toe perfectly symmetrical pussy lips. To say many women have got ugly pussies is an understatement, but fear not there are options that are flourishing in today’s looks obsessed marketplace.
There is anal bleaching for ones that seem to have a brownish hue to their skin in the surrounding areas. I wouldn’t think many besides cam girls, hookers or strippers would be interested, but who knows, shaving down there just used to be for the porn stars as well. Now tons of people keep themselves shaved. There’s also the growing surgeries called labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation to give us a better looking pair of meat curtains than we had before.
There is huge money in vaginal rejuvenation, top American surgeons can rake in $250,000 a month, yes, a MONTH! That’s a lot of insecure women out there convinced their junk is ugly. It is a growing field preying on women’s insecurities. The proliferation of porn and the perfect looking pussies it showcases can be to blame for many that see that theirs does not look as good or as pretty as the porn pussies. Many can be ugly yes, but many times a guy is just glad to have a clean pussy offered to him, looks of it be damned. But if you want to cough up the dough to get yourself a pussy makeover, go ahead.