Suck Your Own Cock Phone Sex


Pretty well all guys masturbate, but not all are flexible enough to suck their own cock. It’s the dream of many, yet not all are thin enough, flexible enough, or have a long enough cock that can accomplish this most unusual act of masturbation. Performing oral sex on oneself is the ultimate in safe sex, no need to worry about your partner not being in the mood or not having a partner at all. For women it’s kind of out of reach – literally! Lots of guys that call in are wanting to lick their own cum, usually off of the palm of their hand though, not direct from the source.

Some have called in weird positions where they have their legs above their head and up on their haunches and able to shoot directly into their own mouth, but so many have called in mentioning porn they have watched where the guy in the porn has sucked his own dick and they will say they wish they could, or perhaps decades ago they were flexible to lick the tip of it in some odd position, but they no longer can reach to try this anymore.

So hands, Fleshlights, perhaps the odd piece of hollowed out produce will have to do, or a woman if around, but their own mouth is usually not going to be an option for them. It would be interesting if a woman could lick her own pussy, but even a contortionist would be pressed to make that become a reality. So for all you boys out there flexible enough to suck your own dick, enjoy it while it lasts.

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