I guess the pic should actually be the word orgasm with the red circle around it rather than sex. It amazes me some guys seem to have little contests with themselves to see how long they can go without cumming. I have heard this many times from guys of various ages. It’s like a battle of wills of sorts for them.
I actually have plans with one in a few days on his month anniversary since his last orgasm. I so don’t get it! Life is short, you only have so many opportunities for orgasms, for heaven’s sakes embrace them and cum as much as you can! I doubt you will be on your death bed regretting the orgasms you had, you will be regretting the ones you DIDN’T have! There was a movie a few years ago called “40 Days and 40 Nights” about a guy that abstains from all orgasms for 40 days and nights.
I don’t know if I could make it myself! A couple of years ago I went 24 days and it was hard, I was writhing in my chair with need of release, that’s no way to live. If you want to stay away from other people, that’s one thing, but no solo orgasms even? Dear God why???
Yes, to abstain for a week can really make you cum harder when you finally do allow yourself for sure, but beyond that, I really don’t get the point at all. Guess I’m too much of a hedonist.