Dumpster Diving Fuck

Sometimes unexpected encounters happen that we could never foresee. A friend of mine had confided in me she dumpster dived at this one place behind a large makeup store and found all kinds of tossed out goodies. Not used things, but things that had damaged packaging, or that were on the cusp of expiring they couldn’t sell. There was nothing wrong with these items. I decided to try it myself and hesitantly got into a dumpster behind the store one night after they closed. I had a flashlight and a bag for my finds. I was moving things around looking when I saw a boot and went to toss it aside, then I realized it was on someone.

He woke up when I touched his foot and I screamed, I certainly didn’t expect anyone to be inside there. He said he went in there to look for things the same as me, he sold them online, but he said the lid came down on his head and must have knocked him out. We both started laughing. He wasn’t a bum, he was just looking for goods the same as me. We talked for a few minutes, then I realized he was a nice looking guy. I helped him to his feet.

He asked if I had a boyfriend and I said no. Then he leaned in and kissed me and within minutes, we were fucking standing up in the dumpster amid garbage bags and boxes. It was without a doubt, the weirdest sexual encounter I’d had, and with a complete stranger. I felt so dirty, and yet it didn’t seem odd at the time. I bent over and he fucked me from behind. I came, he came, and then he jumped out of the dumpster and helped me out. I doubt we will ever meet again, but I’ll never forget my try at dumpster diving.

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