Lots of callers also go to escorts, so they are used to the idea of paying for sex. All men pay for sex in one way or another, you think if you have a wife you aren’t paying for sex? Most guys I talk to are “paying” them and not even getting sex! Even being a woman I can see that marriage is a bad deal for men in most cases, so going to an escort makes a lot more sense, and paying for phone sex if an escort is too much trouble also makes sense. It enhances your orgasm, and not even any risk of disease.
Men that go to escorts get to sleep with far better looking women than they would if they were not paying, even a fat, ugly, troll of a man can have a gorgeous woman on his arm if he’s willing to pay for it. Look at old men that have wives in their twenties, you think those women would be with them if they made twenty grand a year and lived in a nursing home? No, they are with them for the money, yet that is legal and outright prostitution is not, it’s a sorry state to be sure when it’s the same thing by a different name.
Men that call phone sex lines are used to paying for sex, even if only on the phone, so paying a hooker or an escort is just another step beyond that , so we phone sex girls likely hear from more guys that go to escorts than the average man on the street, since they are used to paying anyway, men into financial domination in fact love to pay to be able to cum. It’s hard for some to grasp, and so easy for others. Some men will state they would never, ever pay for sex in any capacity, others are used to only paying, so ones of very different mindsets are out there.